About DIY Humidor
Humidors the ultimate cigar house
Humidors have been in existence since the early 1800s and have endured up till today because of their great importance in preserving cigars. From the making of the first walk-in humidor by Alfred Dunhill in 1907 to the Zino Davidoff desktop and the Irish Terence Manning cabinet humidor, humidors have evolved into different modern styles and designs that still serve the same purpose of keeping cigars at the optimal humidity and temperature. Back in the day, humidors were only made out of wood with Spanish cedar being the most preferred wood of choice, today humidors can be made out of wood, glass, acrylic metal, and leather but the traditional wooden humidor is still the most preferred choice of humidor construction material that most people do want. This is not just because of the aesthetics of wood cigar humidors, but also because wood, especially Spanish cedar wood, tends to enhance the aroma of cigars which in turn enhances the cigar-smoking experience.
Why build your own cigar humidor?
Many cigar lovers opt for building their cigar humidors as a means to exercise their woodworking skills and creativity while having the satisfaction of constructing their cigar humidor, others go for DIY Cigar Humidors because of their budget. Building a DIY Humidor is a great way to align your budget to your needs and also engage your woodworking skills to have a good pleasure smoking your cigars.
The challenge with building a diy humidor
Although wood cigar humidors are still the most preferred choice among different types of humidors, cigar smokers usually go for the easy-to-make cigar humidor option like converting an acrylic box into a cigar storage can or using a cigar box instead of an actual humidor when looking to build a DIY Humidor for their cigars. This shift in choice-making for DIY cigar humidors is a result of the challenges involved in constructing a wood cigar humidor. To build a wood cigar humidor adequately, you will need to conceptualize your humidor design, list your materials and cutlist for the humidor building, get the materials, cut your wood, assemble and then finish the humidor project.
Our diy humidor plans lifts the burden for you
Here on diyhumidor.com, our main purpose is to lift most of the diy humidor build project plan off your shoulders by providing you with different styles of detailed pdf humidor plans that include the humidor material list, cutlist, exploded and well-labeled diagrams that make it easy for you to build and finish your cigar humidor. Below is a free downloadable DIY Humidor build plan that you can use today to construct your wood humidor.